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Accelerate Your Marketing Without Increasing Your Headcount

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Youtube Seo Techniques

Arama motoru optimizasyonu kullandığınız platform fark etmeksizin bilinmesi ve uygulanması gereken bir tekniktir. YouTube üzerinde uygulayabileceğiniz SEO teknikleri ile birlikte sadece aramalarda üst sıralarda çıkarak değil önerilen videolarda da üst sıralarda çıkarak izlenme elde edebileceksiniz.
What is YouTube Seo YouTube Seo Techniques


Contrary to popular belief, YouTube SEO is a structure that is far from spam tags and requires serious attention.

  • Channel optimization,
  • Video optimization,
  • Playlist optimization,
  • Title and content match.

We can touch on YouTube SEO under many headings such as. So, how is YouTube SEO done? Why is it so important for big channels or channels that are on the way to growth?

How to do YouTube SEO?

In order to do YouTube SEO, you should determine the keyword you want to progress and do research on this subject. Tools that can be used in keyword research for YouTube are generally:

  • Google Keyword Planner,
  • Keyword Tool IO,
  • Tube Ranker SEO Tool,
  • Ahrefs YouTube Keyword Tool.

It appears in the form. Through these tools, you can access the search volume of your keyword on YouTube and determine your auxiliary keywords. After keyword identification, you can complete your YouTube SEO adjustments by proceeding under several headings.

Without forgetting, although you can complete YouTube SEO processes individually, it is very important to get help from an SEO expert and / or agency for rapid growth.

About Section Optimization and Description of the Channel

If you want to produce video content in a niche category, after determining your keyword, you should prepare a description text that introduces you in the about section of your channel and includes keywords that your channel can appear in searches, away from spam placement.

Even if you are not going to produce content in a niche category, the about section of the channel should be filled and filled in a way that serves only the purpose and not spam.

Choosing Video Titles Correctly

On YouTube, unlike on websites, users don’t pay much attention to content titles. A channel gains most of its traffic through the attractiveness of its thumbnails. The title of the videos is important for the viewers who will come with the search in general and for YouTube to list your content.

Technically, while providing YouTube SEO, you should pay attention to some issues and stay away from them, respectively;

  • Clickbait titles,
  • Titles that do not provide information about the video,
  • Short and keyword-free titles,
  • Headlines that are sloppy and do not fit the “Engaging headline | Video content” headline type,
  • Staying away from the important word that will make you stand out from other content.

The right video title will get in the way of your choice. Users need to stay in your videos for a long time in order to gain traffic through search and to be rewarded with discovery. This is

Video Explanations and Directions

In order to do YouTube SEO, it is recommended to enter every area where content can be entered in writing. Although these content entries are important, they should be spam-free and truly informative.

Although it is not recommended to use the same texts for each content, content should be produced in a way that summarizes the topics you mention in your video content and that you can pass the keywords you have determined in the description area in the natural flow.

The texts to be included in the description area should be designed in a way that users can easily find the directions in question if there is a redirection in the video.

If there is a sponsored link in the video and you will direct users to this link with the description field, you must definitely provide redirects after the first introductory sentence.

Playlists and Playlist Descriptions

The most important detail that is overlooked while doing YouTube SEO may be not making playlists. Especially the playlist, where large channels regularly add content and organize their descriptions, can provide a high rate of recycling.

Assuming that you produce interconnected content and especially if you have videos that progress in series, the playlist provides a distinct advantage that you can appear in searches as well as your videos.

  • In addition to regularly adding content to the playlist;
  • Adding cover photos to the playlist,
  • Edit the title of the playlist,
  • Entering SEO-friendly description texts in the playlist,

It’s important to provide links to your playlists in your individual videos using description fields.

Editing the Name of the Uploaded Video

Although there is an idea that videos have a name on YouTube after they are uploaded, this is not how it works in terms of SEO.

Before sharing content on YouTube, it is very important to enter a file title that contains the keywords you have identified. The title of the video files, which works like a meta description in photos, can be effective in getting ahead of your competitors by far.

Why YouTube SEO is Important for Views

Although YouTube has provided easy viewing options for almost every user with its Shorts video feature, this is not the case with long videos.

  • Quality content comes to the fore,
  • Content that is clear about what it says,
  • Channels with quality structure and optimization,
  • Channels equipped with internal links,
  • Channels that have developed themselves in terms of technical SEO.

More valuable than other videos for YouTube and Google search engines. Using the “Helpful Content” structure, YouTube and Google pay attention to the evaluation of your content in many areas and how helpful it is.

With YouTube SEO, you can use Google’s limited crawling budget effectively and increase your chances of appearing in searches that address the exact purpose of users. In this process, you will act with YouTube SEO experts or YouTube SEO agencies;

  • Getting views from suggestions,
  • Getting views from Google and YouTube searches,
  • Becoming more known and visible,
  • Ability to have high growth rates,
  • Having high viewership rates by finding relevant content,
  • Observing an increase in click-through rates.

You can have many details such as. No matter how perfect the content of your videos is, videos that cannot be presented correctly and cannot be found when searched for

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